Staged reading by Jan Kvapil
Mariaschein (Bohosudov) is one of the most visited pilgrimage sites in North Bohemia. In this context, various postcards were printed from the end of the 19th century. They were used in their primary use as both souvenirs and postcards and were sent around the world.
The motifs on the cards follow certain patterns: significant perspectives on the place, the church, the founding history or interior shots are repeated, but the selection of images also includes rarer or different views. This spectrum of the picture side is also reflected on the back of the cards, from unused, unused to a very personal dedication to a specific person and their place of residence.
In a staged reading, Jan Kvapil gives a brief historical insight into the postcard and presents some examples of cards from a collection in pictures and text, in Czech and German, in language and song... Puzzle pieces that reflect the world, a mental map of Europe starting from one place. Questions regarding the use, illustrations and labeling of messages can be derived. The postcard proves to be a highly complex medium in which the small and the large, the insignificant with the significant, the celebratory with the everyday are very closely linked.
November 2nd, 2024, 4 p.m

An initiative from the Hoffmann Collection donation with a work by Braco Dimitrijević
Exhibition opening: August 31st 2024, 5pm
Opening hours: Thursday, Friday 14:00- 18:00/ Saturday, Sunday 10:00- 18:00
The artwork “THIS COULD BE A PLACE OF HISTORICAL IMPORTANCE” by Braco Dimitrijević points to the ambiguity of history. Braco Dimitrijević: “There is no mistake in history, all history is a mistake” is based in his visions of a post-historical time that replaces linear historiography and allows the coexistence of different values and diverse perspectives. The fictional, post-historical arrangements of his oeuvre are based on this assumption, in which Braco Dimitrijević counteracts historical relevance criteria, among other things, by combining historical “signatures” with everyday objects. In his project “Casual Passers-by” he shows photographs of passers-by that he happened to meet on the street on large-format banners outdoors. The artists involved in the exhibition expand this spectrum of possibilities for post-historical events with their own visions that undermine our common understanding of “historicity”. This happens against the backdrop of the debate about historical relevance, Wikipedia and the cult of personality. Among other things, they play with the possibilities of “attributing meaning” to how historical people, places or events can be celebrated or created (curation: Dirk Großer).
+++ 1 work by Braco Dimitrijević will be realized on the facade of the gatehouse.
Artists: Braco Dimitrijević, Frenzy Höhne, Eva Jiřička, Lexa Peroutka& Nongkran Panmongkol, Steffen Schiemann, Antje Seeger